Photos - Missions in the Americas
View Photos of: Africa Americas Asia Europe JY Institute India Crusades
Our missionaries in Chile, Pr. Obispo Hedit & Pilar Espinoza.
Rev. Josue Yrion with Pr. Hedito Espinoza in Chile
Baptisms under the ministry of Pr. Nestor Nue - Peru
Pr. Nue preaching.
Pr. Nue praying for people at a service.
Church service at Pr. Nue's church.
Church members eating at Pr. Nue's event.
Pr. Soqui with a member of his church.
Pr. Soqui preaching in an outside service.
Praising the Lord in an outside service.
Baptisms under the ministry of Pr. Ramon Soqui - Mexico
A service at Pr. Soqui's church.
Evangelizing at night - Pr. Ramon Soqui - Mexico
Rev. Josue Yrion with Pr. Victor de la Rosa - Belize
The van our ministry bought for Pr. Victor de la Rosa - Belize
Missionaries Daniel and Barbara Reinheimer - Brazil
Robson missionary family - Brazil
Our missionaries, Pr. Jaime and Maristela Araujo witnessing to Jewish communites in Brazil and the U.S.
Our missionaries, Pr. Jaime and Maristela Araujo and their children - Brazil