Sending Hope to Prisons

"Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body." - Hebrews 13:3

There are many lost souls under satan’s dominion in U.S. prisons. Many people are living under bondage with addictions to drugs or violence. It is in these places where the light of Christ is needed the most. Many years ago, we began receiving letters from prisoners asking for our books. Their needs are astonishing.

A brother in prison wrote the following:

"I found your book in the prison library and I began reading it. As I read it, tears began to trickle down my face…. I would like for you to help me strengthen by faith so that I may be filled with the Holy Spirit. You could not imagine how much I long to be a good person. My heart feels empty."

There are literally thousands of letters similar to the one mentioned above that we receive. Many more aspire to serve the Lord in prison and when they are released from their sentence. Many desire to prepare themselves and many long to know more of God. God has changed their lives and they desire to know Him more. While surveying their great necessities, we decided to send each one of them a packet with all the books that we have and Bibles as well. Recently, we also started sending concordances to those that ask for one. Since then, the prisons have limited the amount of books that we are able to send to 5 per packet and some only 3. Some prisons do not even accept them and return them to us.

But, by the Grace of God, the books arrive and lives are changed. A prisoner wrote in his letter how they placed him in solitary confinement for many days. There, he read the book “La Fe Que Mueve La Mano De Dios” (Faith that moves God’s hand) five times and he found God for the first time. Hallelujah! Another brother wrote in one of the letters “I am in prison physically but free in the spirit. Your books changed my life.”

We give thanks to God that He has allowed us to help these prisoners in this way. Please help us pray for our brothers in chains.