Photos - Asia Missions -2
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Our missionary Dennis and his wife in India.
Children in the orphanage in which Dennis, our missionary, works.
Children from poor villages in a special event at the church- India.
Children from poor villages in a special event at the church- India.
The outside part of the orphanage. - India
Children from Rev. Benjamin's orphanage.
Children praising God in Church.
The outside part of the orphanage. - India
The outside part of the orphanage. - India
The outside part of the orphanage. - India
The outside part of the orphanage. - India
Children praising God in Church.
Children praising God in Church.
Children praising God in Church.
Children praising God in Church.
Children praising God in Church.
Children from poor villages in a special event at the church- India.
Children from poor villages in a special event at the church- India.
A Christmas event in which our ministry bought food and gifts to these children.
Some girls from a poor village with Christmas gifts they were given.