Photos - Asia Missions -3
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Some children from a poor village that Dennis visited.
A church service at Rev. Benjamin's church.
An evangelistic event of Rev. Benjamin's ministry.
A church service for children led by Dennis.
Our missionary, Dennis, sharing the gospel with children in Bhutan.
Our missionary, Dennis, sharing the gospel with children in Bhutan.
Bhutan, where our missionary Dennis went to share the gospel.
Rev. Benjamin's evangelistic campaign.
Rev. Benjamin's evangelistic campaign.
A church service at Rev. Benjamin's church.
The outside of Rev. Benjamin's church.
The outside of Rev. Benjamin's church.
A church service at Rev. Benjamin's church.
Part of Rev. Benjamin's congregation.
Part of Rev. Benjamin's congregation.
Pastors that are under Rev. Benjamin's leadership.
Pastors that are under Rev. Benjamin's leadership.
Rev. Benjamin's church worshiping God.
Children from Rev. Benjamin's church praising God.
The worship team at Rev. Benjamin's church.