Thank you for standing with us in prayer during this event. Here we are writing a full report about our campaign in Thailand from the 23rd to the 27th of April.
It was a great joy to see Dr. Paul Ibobi once again. I first met him at the Billy Graham International Evangelist Conference in Amsterdam in 1983 (I was 20 years old). I saw him again during our campaign in Madras, India (Chennai today) in 1999. We hugged each other and cried, feeling so much joy to finally see each other again after working together so many years. He is a tireless worker for Christ and a great man of God!
On the 22nd we had a meeting with pastors from many different churches that supported the event. Each church only has from 15-35 members, due to the great spiritual opposition in this nation that is saturated with the spiritual ignorance of buddhism. The pastors said that this event was making history for Chonburi, since it was the first time that an evangelistic conference would be held there. They believed that this event would bring great unity among the different ministries, and consequently, would start a much prayed for revival. They told us that God had promised them that Thailand would become a missionary sending country one day. When I was 19 years of age and was with YWAM I heard a missionary speak about the missionary work in Thailand. After that, the desire to preach to the Thai people has remained in my heart. The Lord has finally answered my prayer after 32 years.
Wednesday, April 23
The Campaign began on the morning of Wednesday, the 23rd of April, with a conference for pastors, ministers,
In the afternoon we had a meeting with missionaries, pastors, and leaders from the area about the work going on in Thailand. Later on, Dr. Paul Ibobi gave a conference on the prophecies of the end times. That night I preached the gospel and many were saved and some received healing.
Thursday, April 24
Friday, April 25
When we prayed at the end there was a great outpouring of the Spirit due to the great victory that God had given us through the salvation of many Buddhist people and the healing work done in His Name. In the afternoon, Pr. Paul spoke with great authority about Biblical prophecy and in the night I again spoke about the Gospel. There was much resistance from the enemy in this service. Some people tried to distract the hearers by causing scenes and speaking loudly. But as I preached, by the authority of God’s Word we bound all evil spirits that were interrupting the service and those people became quiet and left. At the conclusion of the service many were saved and many would fall on the floor full of the Holy Spirit. Remember that this was not a campaign in Latin America or the United States where there is great liberty to minister. We were in a Buddhist country, in a nation wrapped in the darkness of a false religion that has millions of people bound and spiritually blinded by the devil and his demons. May God rebuke them! You are defeated!
Saturday, April 26
On this last morning of the campaign, I preached about world missions, the urgency of winning Thailand and other Asian countries, and of sharing a missionary vision with their churches. I emphasized the fact that the new generation
In summary, we had more than 2,500 people, many salvations, and many healings for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. For a Buddhist country and for these pastors and their churches, it was a great victory and a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We believe that this was the beginning of a revival in Chonburi that will spread throughout Thailand in the fire of the Spirit. “Pom Rak Thailand”, which means “I love Thailand!”
Sunday, April 27
We took the day to speak about the results of the event with the pastors. What you just read was a small summary. The campaign brought great unity among churches and pastors and a great awakening as to evangelism. We started supporting another missionary in India as well as 2 in Thailand. Now we will be financially aiding 44 missionaries in all continents of the world. I wish to thank with all of my heart all those that made this event possible through their generous gifts. Both to our donors as well as to everybody else: Thank you! The Thai people thank you, and the Lord reaches out to you and embraces you. Your reward is in heaven! Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Ministry of Rescuing Girls from Prostitution
We are also making contacts there so we can help trustworthy ministries that rescue girls that are sold by their own parents into prostitution. Little girls of only 5 or 7 years of age are forced to satisfy the animalistic and demonic instincts of those that for money violate the innocence of these little ones, bringing them to drugs and prostitution in Bangkok, Pattaya, and other places in Thailand and Cambodia. In the Name of Jesus, He will supply and this ministry will begin to financially help rescue those little girls and place them in safe houses led by ministers, where they will be safe from those perverted men and where these little ones can live, eat, study, and learn about God. O Lord help us! The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few!
The Buddhist Temples
Later that day we visited Bangkok and its temples with the team.
What the eyes do not see, the heart does not feel. You have to be there to cry out of sadness and understand the heart of God that says: “Who will I send? Who will go for me? Who will pay the price?”
I took several copies of my book, “The Power of God’s Word” with me as gifts for the pastors. By this day I only had one left. I took it with me to these temples. Before thousands and thousands of Buddhist worshipers, I prayed: “Lord, to whom will this book be a blessing?” We entered one temple and there was a young lady kneeling before a giant Buddhist statue. I came closer and said: “Only Jesus is the way to eternal life. It is not through reincarnation or any other way, only He can save your soul…” She got up, I offered her the book, and she took it and looked at it with interest. I spoke to her about Christ along with Doo, who translated me, and she was immediately interested. I hope God can use this seed that was sown in her heart to save her and her entire family…Oh God save Thailand for your Name’s sake!
I’d like to thank Dr. Paul Ibobi, Pr. Boonden, and his churches for all their hard work and dedication in the preparation of this event that was a great blessing. I’d also like to thank all of the pastors, churches, and brothers and sisters in Christ who prayed, fasted, and gave to make this event possible. Your reward is in heaven! For the extension of the Kingdom of God, one does not spend, one invests…one’s time, one’s money, one’s work, one’s dedication, one’s tiredness, one’s everything for Him. Jesus said “Give and it shall be given unto you.” (Luke 6:38) The happiness, joy, and rejoicing that come when you see these people saved and God working healings are priceless. Oh blessed passion for souls! I end with a quote from John Knox, the great Scottish reformer: “Give me souls, Oh Lord, or I die…”
Together we will change the world for Christ! May God bless you, your family, ministry, and church.
With great appreciation and profound love,
Your Servant,
Josue Yrion