We were formerly invited by Rev. Enrique Gomez, pastor of Centro Misionero Betesda, to preach in a crusade in the Colombian capital.
Thursday-July 22 The conference for the means of communication was held at three o’clock in the afternoon at a national level of both television and radio. Pastor Enrique Gomez explained his vision for the newly bought terrain. The land was bought by the C.M.B. to build a church which could hold one million people. We were interviewed and we answered many questions along with Pr. Enrique Gomez, my wife, Damaris Yrion, and my children Kathryn and Joshua Yrion. At night we inaugurated the great location in which one could fit ten soccer stadiums. We had 20 thousand people with the majority being Christians and had more than 700 of them who came to Christ. Along with that the Lord healed many people.
Friday-July 23 At 11:00 in the morning I preached to 400 pastors and leaders at a national level in a ministry conference. It was filled with the Glory of God. During the night we had 25 thousand people and again, the majority being Christians, and yet more than 850 souls were saved. There were also many healings among the children of God.
Saturday-July 24 We were on national television alongside Pastor Gomez at 6:00 in the morning. There were also eight radio stations that transmitted this meeting throughout all of the Colombian land. The majority of the 40 thousand people that came that night were Christians and more than 900 of them gave their hearts to Christ. Many people were healed of many sicknesses and miracles were abundant among God’s people.
Sunday-July 25 I preached at the C.M.B. at 10:00 and we had 16 thousand people. This church has a membership of 32,000 people and it has several church services on Sundays. At three in the afternoon that day was the peak of our crusade. There were 100 thousand people and being there majority Christians, more than 1,000 people received Christ as their savior and Lord. There were countless miracles and healings that night. The crusade was transmitted to 70 countries through the satellite of el Centro Misionero Betesda called “From Colombia to the world.”
In all, 201 thousand people came to the crusade, with the majority being Christians and we had a total of 3,450 people who came to Christ without counting those who accepted Christ through television or radio by satellite.
I thank the Lord for everything that he did in Bogota, Colombia. For this great privilege which HE gave me to preach His Word in this magnificent and extraordinary Evangelistic Crusade. I’m thankful for Pastor Enrique Gomez’s invitation and also because Damaris, Kathryn, and Joshua were with me in this great opportunity.
May God bless you, your families, and your ministries,
-Rev. Josue Yrion