Dear pastors, brethren and friends in Christ. I Greet you in the name of Jesus Christ.
The 16th early in the morning, we went with our Team to the Continent of Asia to preach in two crusades in the city of Madras(Chennai), INDIA. This was the 59th country that we already had preached.
The crusades were organized by our Ministry and the Rev.Dr.Benjamin Gnanadurai, president of Jesus Christ Savior Mission, together with the Pastors Association from many different denominations that gave their support for these events with much opposition from Hinduism and the Government of India.
The crusades were financed by our Ministry with the financial support of pastors, churches and the brethren from the Spanish and Portuguese speaking people of the U.S., Europe and Latin-America.
The two crusades were held from August 19-29, one in Chromepet and the other in the Marina Beach in Madras. We had more then 70 thousand people between the two crusades and more then 6,700 of them accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord. The majority of them came from the Hinduism religion.
We had many miracles and signs and wonders of healing from many diseases, among them one blind lady that the Lord Jesus Christ healed her eyes and she began to see, one lame man walked in the plat-form after we prayed for him, because God healed his legs. People with malignant tumour just disappear
and twisted legs were healed among many others sickness. Praise the Lord for all the healing and genui- ne miracles that He performed for His glory and confirmed His Word with signs. Mk.16:20 Hallelujah!
We were the first Latin Ministry ever to preach in the Marina Beach in the history of Madras where ma-ny men of God preached like Billy Graham, T.L.Osborn, Morris Cerullo, Paul Yongui Cho, Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke. God gave me the privilege to preach in the same place with a powerful anointing by his mercy that His Word was specially confirmed with signs and wonders as it’s written in Acts 5:12
We saw India as a pagan country. Satanic forces have blocked the spirit, mind and soul of millions of people, enslaving them in poverty and spiritual ignorance . They worship rats, cows and snakes as gods.
You can see the photos of these crusades in our web ministry page that is:
We also went with our Team to China, Singapore and Japan. We thank God for His financial help, His care and love in keeping all of us safe during these trips. We also thank you for your prayers and financial support for these great events where thousands of people were saved.
In the blessed bonds of Calvary that united us,
-Rev. Josue Yrion