Year-End Summary- 2014

We would like to thank you for your generous donations and your prayers during 2014. Below is a brief summary of what God has helped us accomplish in this past year. We carried out various campaigns both in the U.S. and abroad. We preached in countries such as Panama, Columbia, and Chile. We also had our crusade in Thailand and witnessed dozens of people come to Christ. It was of great impact to the unification of the body of Christ in Bangkok, Chonburi, where never before smaller churches worked together for the same cause. Due to this crusade, now we...
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2 New Missionaries

We have started financially supporting two more workers in Christ! They are both in Thailand, working to bring more to Christ. Here is a summary of what they do: Pr. Boonyared Wichaipa, Thailand: Leads 7 churches and travels throughout the country sharing the góspel and establishing new churches. Doo Wichaipa, Thailand: Leads the youth and helps churches to use media to reach people for Christ. His vision is to one day establish the first Christian channel in this Buddhist country.  
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